Clarke Fontaine

Clarke Fontaine


Clarke Fontaine is my legal professional name. My real name and the name most of you know me as is, Kent Boxberger. I've been married for 20 years, have a daughter Brooke - age 13, son - Brent age 10. I was around the religion for 38 yrs., and was baptized for 15 yrs. I was an elder and located in the SE U.S. from Texas to Georgia. In 1996 my wife and I disassociated from the religion, because we no longer believed all the religions beliefs. We came to understand that God is not a God of judgment and that all humans are acceptable to God no matter what their beliefs. We believe that God loves every person unconditionally. There is no right or wrong way. As a result, I've written a book entitled "Your Future Religion", which explains many of my life's experiences as a JW and after coming out of the religion. This book is intended to help a person realize that every human on this earth has a "personal religion" - or more simply put "a personal belief system" - and God does not care what it is. Each of us is uniquely formed and all are a child of God. God does not judge any of us, no matter what religion or belief we profess, including JW's. You believe what you believe at this particular time, because that is what you feel at the moment. Again, God does not care, for you are the one that has chosen what you've chosen. The Chapter titles are: "What Is God?" "What Is Your Religion?" "Religious Organizations" "Spiritual Communication" "Your Future,Your Fate" "Your Future Health" "Your Human Relationships" "Identifying Your Passion" For a copy of the book, you may email me with your address and any commments. The cost is $16.00+$4.00 Shipping & Handling = $20.00. This book will be in major bookstores by mid 2003, but you can get it now, direct. I'll see you soon...... Always Love, Clarke Fontaine